School News

Jump Rope for Heart

Our Annual JUMP Rope for Heart event is fast approaching.  We participate in this event to show our support for this organization and to teach about the value of healthy lifestyle habits and giving to charity.

We start our discussions on this in the classrooms. We then hold a Kick-Off Assembly.  This year we will do this on Friday, January 24th first thing in the morning.  At this Kick-Off Assembly we show a few videos sent from the Heart and Stroke Foundation, have some students present information and demonstrate some skipping styles, and talk briefly about the fundraising.

Two weeks later, on Friday, February 7th, we hold an afternoon for our actual JUMP Event.  The classes are divided into their ‘Buddy’ groupings and are each given a 35-minute time slot to enjoy some very loud music and do their jumping in the Gym and, weather permitting, on the basketball court outside the Gym doors on the south side of the school.

Your role in this is:

  • Help your child decide who they will be ‘jumping for’ so they can record it on their paper heart. You could write the name(s) on a notepaper and send it back to school in their planners.
  • Click HERE to register your child:
  • Solicit donations from friends and family – near and far. This is easy through the link as they can be anywhere in the world.  Click HERE for the donation link.
  • Talk to your child about healthy lifestyle choices – sleep, foods, exercise, rest.

Thank you for helping Rosser support the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  There will be a large paper hourglass on the wall in the foyer to show our growing donations.

Ms. D. Hull      Mrs. S. Temple